PENGEMBANGAN KONSERVASI WISATA BUDAYA MELALUI WISATA EVEN (Studi pada Pelaksanaan Festival Reyog Nasional di Kabupaten Ponorogo)


  • Supriono Supriono Brawijaya University



Cultural Tourism, Ponorogo Reyog Festival, Development


Tourism is a variety of tourism activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, business people, the Government, and Local Governments. One of the many cultural events that are events is the Reyog Ponorogo Festival (FRN). This study aims to determine the process of developing FRN as an event tour and to find out the obstacles that occur, using descriptive qualitative methods, with data collection methods with Snowball sampling. The results showed that FRN in Ponorogo was an event tour that was able to bring in foreign and domestic tourists. Event tourism activities have an impact on the economic value of the Ponorogo community, both reyog artists and crafters (handycraft). The inhibiting factor in FRN from a technical perspective is related to the duration of the long enough implementation time (minimum of a week), sound system, participant protest. From a non-technical aspect it is more due to natural factors (rain). While the supporting factor is the awareness of reyog artists who come from outside the area, consider Reyog to be from Ponorogo, so that the implementation is automatically implemented in Ponorogo.

Author Biography

Supriono Supriono, Brawijaya University

Departemen of Business Administration Faculty of Administrative Science Brawijaya University


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UU RI Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kepariwisataan


