
  • Johny Budiman Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Ervina Ervina Universitas Internasional Batam



investment decision, representativeness, overconfidence, anchoring, loss aversion, regret aversion


This research aims to analyze the influence of representativeness, overconfidence, anchoring, loss aversion, and regret aversion  towards  gold investment decision.  Sample of this study are gold investors in Batam. Hypothesis test using multiple regression. Results from this research showed that investors used representativeness, overcinfidence, and loss aversion to determine their investment decision in gold. But anchoring and regret aversion factors have no significant impact in their investment decision. Further research for investment decision could be conducted in financial sector.

Author Biography

Johny Budiman, Universitas Internasional Batam

economy, finance


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